Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Type: Weapon
Continuity: All genres
Availability: Uncommon item

A mace is a medieval weapon. It is basically a war club with an enlarged end similar to a hammer, but may be adorned with additional elements such as studs or spikes.

Electric mace[]

The character known as Dodger employs a unique mace which generates a field of electrical energy. He uses this mace not only for close-quarter combat, but also as a throwing weapon. After striking a target, the mace will automatically return to its wielder's hands (Dodger also appears to be able to "call" it). The means by which he acquired this weapon has yet to be revealed.

The Golden Mace[]

The Marvel Comics version of Hercules wielded the Golden mace, which was forged for him by Hephaestus himself. The mace is a single-handed melee weapon and is virtually unbreakable.

Characters who use a mace[]

Name Source
Carter Hall DC Universe
Dodger DC Universe
Hercules Marvel Universe


  • The terms "Mace" may also apply to a type of aerosol spray used to fend off attackers. For purposes of distinction, this database refers to this form of mace as pepper spray.
  • There are some characters in speculative ficton who have Mace as a first name including Mace Windu from Star Wars fame and Mace Gardner from DC Comics titles.


