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See also Lydia for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

Lydia Hardy
Lydia Hardy
Continuity: Marvel Universe
Notability: Minor character
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Location: New York City, New York
Relatives: Walter Hardy (husband)
Felicia Hardy (daughter)
Status: Alive
First: Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 1 #195

Lydia Hardy is a fictional comic book character featured in titles published by Marvel Comics. She is part of the mainstream Marvel Universe and is related to the Spider-Man family of comic titles. She first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man, Volume 1 #195 in August, 1979.


Lydia Hardy is the wife of retired cat burglar Walter Hardy and the mother of Felicia Hardy, who grew up to become the criminal-turned-antihero, the Black Cat. She worked for the Mayor of New York City, though it is unclear what position she filled.

Notes & Trivia[]


See also[]

Spider-Man Media

The World of Spider-Man

External Links[]

