Lucifer is an American television series of the crime drama genre that contains elements of the supernatural, primarily dealing with concepts such as demons and angels. It is based on the Lucifer comic book series by DC Comics, which was published under DC's Vertigo imprint. The show was produced by Vertigo Entertainment and began airing on the FOX Network in January, 2016. It was created by Tom Kapinos. Lucifer stars Tom Ellis as Lucifer Morningstar - the one and only Devil. Having retired as the lord of Hell, ole Nick Scratch decides to assume human form and mingle about with the Earthlings. His chosen destination - the "City of Angels", Los Angeles, of course. Lucifer becomes a consultant for the LAPD, working alongside Detective Chloe Decker, played by actress Lauren German. The series also stars Kevin Alejandro as another detective, Dan Espinoza, DB Woodside as Lucifer's angelic rival, Amendiel, Lesley-Ann Brandt as a demonic bartender named Mazikeen (or "Maze" as Lucifer calls her), Scarlett Estevez as Chloe's daughter, Trixie, Kevin Rankin as Malcolm Graham, and Rachael Harris as Lucifer's psychiatrist, Linda Martin. Beginning with season two, Aimee Garcia joined the cast as Ella Lopez, and former Battlestar Galactica Cylon Tricia Helfer came on-board as Lucifer's mum, Charlotte.