Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
ThunderCats 1x47 022
Continuity: ThunderCats
Notability: Main character
Gender: Male
Race: Thunderan
Location: Cats' Lair, Third Earth
Status: Alive
Actor: Larry Kenney



Lion-O took went on a camping trip, and while he was gone, Mumm-Ra infiltrated Cats' Lair and used his sorcery to take mental control of the rest of the ThunderCats. Snarf managed to escape and warn Lion-O. When he brought him back to the Lair they found it deserted, but only because the mind-controlled Panthro, Cheetara, Tygra and the kitten were lying in wait. Refusing to use the Sword of Omens against his friends, Lion-O retreated into the woods. Mumm-Ra gave chase and kept Lion-O on the defensive, forcing him to deflect numerous energy attacks with the Sword of Omens. He called upon the Eye of Thundera to summon his friends, which broke them of their mind control. The others were able to tackle Mumm-Ra to the ground, allowing Lion-O the chance to use the Sword to show Mumm-Ra his true reflection, forcing him to revert to his decayed form. Seeing him defeated, Lion-O let Mumm-Ra escape. [1]

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