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Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Flash 2014 1x18 004
Lindsay Kang
Continuity: DC Television Universe
Series: The Flash
Notability: Minor character
Occupation: Scientist; Teacher
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Location: Hudson University, Central City
Status: Deceased
Died: 2014
First: "All Star Team Up"
Actor: Theresa Wong

Lindsay Kang is a fictional scientist and teacher and a minor character featured in the DC Television Universe. She appeared on the eighteenth episode of season one of The Flash titled "All Star Team Up".


Lindsay Kang was a former scientist who was once employed by Mercury Labs in Central City. She left Mercury Labs and became a teacher at Hudson University, working in their applied physics and robotics division. A former colleague from her Mercury Labs days, Brie Larvan, wanted revenge against anyone associated with the labs for shutting down her research, and Lindsay became one of her targets.

While leaving work one evening, Lindsay got into her car when suddenly a swarm of robotic bees began coming in through the vents. She was trapped inside the car where she was stung dozens of times with apitoxin, more commonly known as honeybee venom. She was stung with enough toxin to kill a herd of elephants.

Her body was discovered the following morning, and the Central City Police Department opened up an investigation into her death. Barry Allen brought his findings to his colleagues at S.T.A.R. Labs, which ultimately resulted in a conflict between the Flash and Brie Larvan.

Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]


The Flash

Legends of Tomorrow

