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Walking Dead 1x01 026
Continuity: The Walking Dead
Notability: Minor character
Type: Criminal
Gender: Male
Location: Linden County, Georgia
Status: Deceased
Died: 2010
First: "Days Gone Bye"
Actor: Chick Bernhardt

The Linden County criminal was a fictional criminal and a minor character featured in the AMC survival horror television series The Walking Dead. He was played by actor/stuntman Chick Bernhardt and appeared in the pilot episode of the series, "Days Gone Bye".


This unidentified individual was a Caucasian male who appeared to be in his late forties or early fifties. He wore a white short-sleeve striped shirt and a black ball cap. He was one of three armed criminals from Linden County, Georgia, who were on the run from the police.

Along with his two male compatriots, the criminal was the driver of the vehicle that fled from Linden County Sheriff's Department police cruisers down State Route 18, which neared the border of King County. Linden County officials contacted the King County Sheriff's Office for assistance. Sheriff Rick Grimes and deputies Shane Walsh, Leon Basset, and Lam Kendal responded to the call.

Shane Walsh laid a spike strip across the highway and then took up a position behind the road block. The driver of the car swerved all over the road to prevent the pursuing vehicles from getting ahead of them. When the criminals' vehicle crossed the spikes, their tires were shredded, forcing the car to overturn multiple times until finally coming to a stop in a nearby field. The passenger of the car was the first to emerge and exchanged fire with the officers, and succeeded in shooting Rick Grimes, though Grimes was protected by his bulletproof vest. The driver of the vehicle appeared next and fired off a few shots with a Mossberg 590 before being gunned down. [1]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The character of Linden County criminal 2 was created by writer and director Frank Darabont based on concepts originally developed by Robert Kirkman.
  • As this individual died some time prior to the onset of the zombie outbreak, he would not have come back as a walker.

See also[]

The World of The Walking Dead



External Links[]

