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Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Walking Dead 1x01 022
Linden County
Continuity: The Walking Dead
Category: County
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State: Georgia
Points of interest: State Road 18
1st appearance: "Days Gone Bye"

Linden County is a fictional U.S. county located in the state of Georgia. It was featured in the pilot episode of the AMC survival horror series The Walking Dead, titled "Days Gone Bye".

Description & History[]

Linden County is located in the U.S. state of Georgia and is adjacent to King County. In 2010, three armed criminals in a vehicle led Linden County Sheriff's Department officers on a high-speed chase across Highway 18, two miles east of State Route 85. Linden County dispatcher radioed King County for assistance and sheriffs Rick Grimes and Shane Walsh, as well as deputies Lam Kendal and Leon Basset responded to the call.

Shane Walsh laid down a spike strip across the road and the King County police cruisers blocked the highway and lied in wait. The Linden County squad cars pursued the suspects, but when they ran over the spike strip, their vehicle overturned. The criminals emerged and engaged in a shoot-out with the King County officers. All three men were killed, but Rick Grimes suffered a near fatal gunshot wound and had to be hospitalized. [1]


See also[]

The World of The Walking Dead



