Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Ash vs Evil Dead 2x08 008
Linda Emery
Aliases: Linda B.
Linda B. Emery
Continuity: Ash vs Evil Dead
Notability: Recurring character
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Location: Elk Grove, Michigan
Relatives: Thomas Emery
Lacey Emery
Status: Alive
First: "Home"
Final: "Second Coming"
Actor: Michelle Hurd

Linda B. Emery is a fictional housewife and a recurring character featured in the Evil Dead multimedia franchise. She is associated with the Ash vs Evil Dead television series and first appeared in the season two episode, "Home".


Linda B. Emery was an African American woman who lived in Elk Grove, Michigan. When she was younger, she dated Ash Williams. She later went on to marry Thomas Emery, who became the sheriff of Elk Grove. Linda and Thomas had a daughter named Lacey.



  • None: Linda Emery is by all accounts a normal human being with no superhuman abilities to speak of.


  • Linda Emery's personal talents and skill proficiencies, if any, are unknown.

Notes & Trivia[]

Body Count[]

  • None

See also[]

External Links[]


