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Lex Luthor, Jr.
Lex Luthor, Jr.
Aliases: Lex Luthor II
Continuity: DC Universe
Notability: Antagonist
Type: Businessman
Gender: Male
Race: Clone
Location: Metropolis
Associations: LexCorp
Known relatives: Lex Luthor

Lex Luthor, Jr. is a fictional character featured in comic books published by DC Comics. He is featured in the Superman line of comic titles.


Lex Luthor II, is actually the original Lex Luthor in a cloned body. Lex faked his death in an airplane crash and then posed as his own son, in a younger (and harrier) body. The official story was that Lex had a secret affair with his personal physician, Gretchen Kelley, and produced a son. Lex, Jr. took control of his "father's" company, LexCorp, and presented himself as an ally of Metropolis' superhuman community. Lex's reputation developed strongly during the time that Superman was believed to be dead.

Over time however, Lex's cloned body began to degenerate. With it, went his sanity. Believing that if he were to die, then would take all of Metropolis with him, he set about destroying the entire city. By this point, the real Superman was back from the dead, and ready to combat him. Metropolis was spared, though it suffered massive damage, and the ailing Luthor was arrested. By this point, it had become public knowledge that Lex Luthor II was in fact the original Luthor.

Lex made a bargain with the demon Neron for restored health and vitality, and has since returned to his infamous criminal ways.


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