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Leatherface (2017)
Title: Leatherface
Director: Alexandre Bustillo; Julien Maury
Writers: Seth M. Sherwood
Composer: John Frizzell
Cinematography: Antoine Sanier
Editors: Sébastien de Sainte Croix
Josh Ethier
Distributed by: Campbell Grobman Films
LF2 Productions
Mainline Pictures
Millennium Films
Lions Gate Entertainment
Released: August 25th, 2017 [1]
Rating: R
Running time: 90 min.
Country: USA
Language: English
Gross: $1,476,843 [2]
Previous: Texas Chainsaw

Leatherface is an independent American feature film of the slasher subgenre. It is the eighth movie produced in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre film series and serves as a prequel to the original 1974 classic, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The film was co-directed by Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury with a screenplay written by Seth M. Sherwood. It was produced by Campbell Grobman Films, LF2 Productions, Mainline Pictures & Millennium Films and distributed through Lions Gate Entertainment. The film premiered in the United Kingdom on August 25th, 2017.


Actor Role
Stephen Dorff Hal Hartman
Lili Taylor Verna Sawyer
Sam Strike Jedidiah Sawyer
Vanessa Grasse Elizabeth "Lizzy" White
Finn Jones Deputy Sorrel
Sam Coleman Bud
Jessica Madsen Clarice
James Bloor Ike
Christopher Adamson Doctor Lang
Dimo Alexiev Barry Farnsworth
Deyan Angelov Nubbins Sawyer
Boris Kabakchiev Young Jed
Lorina Kamburova Betty Hartman
Hristo Milev Young Nubbins
Simona Williams Brunette nurse
Venelina Ghyaurova Demure nurse
Velizar Binev Orderly #1
Vladimir Vladimirov Orderly #2
Vladimir Mihailov Orderly #3
Eduard Parsehyan Grandpa Sawyer
Julian Kostov Ted Hardesty
Ian Fisher Dave
Nicole Andrews Tammy
Elena Zamyarkova Scared girl
Matthew Martin Deputy #1
David McKay Deputy #2
Todor Berov Bert Hartman
Velizar Peev Lowly deputy
Asen Mutafchiev Young boy
Lilia Ivanova Young girl
Brian Terrance Blake

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The tagline for this film is "The legend lives on..."
  • Production on Leatherface began on May 18th, 2015. Filming concluded in May, 2016. The movie was shot entirely in Bulgaria and used a majority of Bulgarian extras as minor characters.
  • Leatherface had its television premiere in the United States on September 21st, 2017 on DirecTV. It opened to limited theatrical release and was made available for digital download on October 20th, 2017.
  • Leatherface premiered on Blu-ray with digital HD Ultraviolet copy by Lions Gate Entertainment on October 20th, 2017. Special features include deleted scenes, an alternate ending, and a featurette titled "Behind the Bloody Mask: Making Leatherface".
  • The Blu-ray edition includes trailers for Jigsaw, The Hatred, and Blair Witch.
  • Original film director Tobe Hooper and original film writer and producer Kim Henkel both serve as executive producers on this movie. This was Hooper's final film work. Tobe Hooper passed away on August 26th, 2017 - just one day after this movie's UK premiere.
  • Actress Angela Bettis from films such as May and the 2002 TV remake of Carrie was originally cast in the role of Verna Sawyer-Carson. However, she dropped out of the project due to scheduling conflicts and was replaced by Lili Taylor.
  • This movie is not to be confused with Playing with Dolls: Bloodlust, which is a 2016 horror film written and directed by Rene Perez. Originally released in the UK, it was marketed under the title Leatherface, while the real Leatherface film was awaiting distribution. The movie was produced by iDiC Entertainment and is a sequel to Perez' earlier film, Playing with Dolls. [3]
  • The beginning events of this film take place in the year 1955. The remainder of the film takes place in 1965.
  • This movie flip-flips viewers expectations as we are introduced to Gorman House patients Jackson and Bud. As Bud is a large mute powerhouse prone to violence and Jackson is the most mentally stable patient in the building, the viewer is expected to believe that it is Bud that will one day become Leatherface, when in fact it is Jackson who will ultimately don the skin mask.
  • Jedidiah is responsible for three deaths in this film: A Texas state trooper, Hal Hartman and Lizzy White.
  • Lizzy White's face becomes Jedidah's first skin mask.
  • Hal Hartman is the only character in the film that is actually killed by a chainsaw, though the pig thief from the beginning of the film is critically injured by one.
  • It is possible that the death of Betty Harmon is Nubbins Sawyer's first act of murder.


Related categories[]

See also[]

External Links[]


  1. Earliest posted screening. Premiered at the Horror Channel FrightFest in the United Kingdom.
  2. Box Office Mojo; Leatherface (2017); Title Summary.
  3. Bloody Disgusting.com; "A Movie Titled 'Leatherface' Was Just Released But Don't Be Fooled". (January 18th, 2017); Squires, John.

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