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Latverian embassy
Aliases: Latverian Consulate
Category: Embassy
Continent: North America
Country: Latveria [1]
United States of America [2]
State: New York
City: New York City

The Latverian embassy is a fictional location featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. It is part of the mainstream Marvel Universe and is generally associated with the Fantastic Four family of comic book titles.


The Latverian embassy is located in New York City, New York. It is the consulate building for the sovereign nation of Latveria. As such, it is considered part of Latverian soil and is subject to Latverian laws. All those who reside within the embassy, including ambassadors and visiting dignitaries are likewise subject to Latverian rule. As such, those within the embassy enjoy the benefits of diplomatic immunity and are not subject to United States Law.

Latveria's supreme monarch, Victor von Doom often spends time at the embassy, usually putting together some Machiavellian scheme to take over the world, or simply to get revenge against his most hated adversaries, the Fantastic Four.


Moon Knight used his contacts in the Shadow Cabinet to infiltrate the embassy with spyball equipment to monitor Victor von Doom's defenses. Moon Knight fought with Doctor Doom here over the matter of a personal family heirloom, which was a cameo of Doom's father. The fight ended in a stalemate with Moon Knight willingly surrendering the heirloom to Doctor Doom. [3]

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  1. Sovereign ownership.
  2. Physical location.
  3. Marc Spector: Moon Knight 40
