Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Pew Pew Stormtrooper

Laser weapons are weapons that use laser technology to discharge a beam of destructive energy. When you fire them, it is difficult to resist the urge to go "pew pew". Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER or laser) is a mechanism for emitting electromagnetic radiation, typically light or visible light, via the process of stimulated emission. The emitted laser light is usually a spatially coherent, narrow low-divergence beam, that can be manipulated with lenses. Lasers play an integral part in the worlds of science fiction and they are chiefly used to power various weapons and technology found in futuristic settings.

In the Star Wars mythos, many characters use hand-held guns that emit laser energy, which they call blasters. There are many different types of blasters including pistols, rifles and even bowcasters. Laser weapons that make up the arsenal of space vessels may include turbolasers and ion cannons. And don't even get me started on the Death Star.





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