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Lancepesade Gor
Aliases: Commander Gor
Continuity: DC Universe
Notability: Antagonist
Type: Military personnel
Gender: Male
Race: Kryptonian
Location: Kandor, New Krypton
Associations: Kryptonian Military Guild
Status: Alive
Actor: Eric Steinberg

Lancepesade Gor, also known as Commander Gor, is a fictional military officer featured in comic books published by DC Comics. He is associated with the Superman line of titles and was part of the continuity that existed following Crisis on Infinite Earths as well as the Superman soft-reboot in Superman: Birthright.


Lancepesade Gor was a native of the planet Krypton and lived in the city of Kandor. He was one of thousands of Kryptonians that were trapped within a city-wide force field on the day that Brainiac captured Kandor and shrunk it down in size. Lancepesade Gor worked under the Kryptonian Defense leader Dru-Zod who had promised him that he would do everything in his power to liberate Kandor. Gor was one of the highest-ranking members of the Military Guild in the city at this time, where he and his lieutenant, Mur remained trapped for many years. Eventually, he was freed after Kandor was returned to its normal size on the planet Earth. Gor learned that in the years since his exodus, Dru-Zod had been branded a traitor and exiled to the Phantom Zone. He felt that it was a disgrace that such a national hero would be treated so unfairly. [1]

On Earth, Lancepesade Gor was one of the more aggressive Kryptonians and believed that his people's liaison on Earth, Superman, had lost touch with his Kryptonian heritage. Gor led a contingent of troops on a mission to round up as many of Superman's known adversaries as possible. It was believed that any villain who posed a threat to Superman, also posed a threat to all Kryptonians. Gor and his team conducted a raid on Stryker's Island Penitentiary where they captured the prisoner known as the Parasite. During the breakout, Gor's men killed several guards as well as several distinguished officers of Metropolis' Science Police. [2]

Superman and the other heroes of Earth demanded that the Kryptonians responsible were held accountable for their actions. The Kandorian leader, Alura In-Ze refused to cooperate, and openly admitted that she approved of Gor's actions. The heroes decided to take the murderous Kryptonians by force. A battle was waged in skies above New Krypton and Gor fought against several costumed combatants, including Hawkman and Guardian. Ultimately, Lancepesade Gor was not held accountable and remained on New Krypton even when it uprooted itself from the Earth and took position on the opposite side of Earth's orbit. [3][4]

During the early days of New Krypton's orbital location, the barely restructured Kryptonian society experienced great civil unrest. Labor Guild leader Tam-Or was dissatisfied with the lack of Guild representation in the governing council and felt that the Labor Guild members were being treated as little more than slaves. When his complaints went unheard, he and a loyal band of followers captured high-ranking members of the provisional government, including Alura, and held them hostage. The Military Guild, under the command of General Zod, were dispatched to deal with the situation. Under Zod's guidance, Lancepesade Gor retaliated against the Labor Guild hostage takers by taking hostages of his own -- members of the Labor Guild. The order was sent out that unless Tam-Or released his hostages, Gor would begin executing Labor Guild members. Superman, uncharacteristically working alongside General Zod, attempted to defuse the situation without violence. He succeeded in this, but Lancepesade Gor ignored the order to stand down and attempted to snipe Tam-Or. Fortunately for the disgruntled Labor Guild member, Supergirl was present on the scene, and deflected Gor's bullet. [5][6]

This incident set Superman and Lancepesade Gor at odds with one another yet again and Gor challenged Superman to a duel. Gor fought an undignified battle, blasting Kal-El in the back with his heat vision. Superman's combat experience and training under people such as Batman gave him an edge however, and he defeated Gor. [7]


  • Kryptonian physiology: Kryptonians are an alien race that hail from the planet Krypton. In their natural environment, they are physiologically no different than a normal human. This is because Krypton revolves around a red sun. If a Kryptonian is on a world that revolves around a yellow sun, such as Earth, they will develop fantastic superhuman abilities.
  • Solar energy absorption: Under optimal conditions, this is the main source of Lancepesade Gor's super powers. They are contingent upon exposure to solar radiation from a yellow sun star system. Lancepesade Gor's biological make up includes a number of organs which lack analogues in humans and whose functions are unknown. Yellow solar energy is stored for later use, which also allows for the use of these powers to fade when yellow solar radiation is not available rather than immediate failure.
  • Energy projection: Lancepesade Gor can project beams of intense thermal energy from the eyes. This is also known as "heat vision", and operates in similar function to that of an amplified laser beam. It is destructive enough to kill lesser beings, and cause significant damage to large structures and landmarks, including mountains.
  • Enhanced vision: Lancepesade Gor's visual acuity is significantly greater than that of a normal human being and encompasses several sub-abilities or applications. This includes perception of different levels of the electromagnetic spectrum with varying degrees of range and focus.
  • Telescopic vision: This is the ability to perceive something visually at a great distance, without external resources or violating the laws of physics. Though limited, the exact extent of the ability is undetermined. In function, it is similar to that of the zoom lens on a camera.
  • X-ray vision: This is the ability to see through any volume of matter except lead. Lancepesade Gor can see things behind a solid, opaque object as if it were not there. Lancepesade Gor can focus this ability to "peel back" layers of an object, allowing hidden images or inner workings to be observed. The exact type of energy perceived including x-rays, cosmic rays, or some other energy invisible to normal humans may vary.
  • Flight: Lancepesade Gor can defy the gravity of any environment for the purposes of levitation, and directional flying. This also includes flight capability in a zero-gravity environment such as outer space. Lancepesade Gor can fly at great speeds, crossing oceans in the matter of minutes.
  • Invulnerability: Under a yellow sun, Lancepesade Gor is impervious to nearly all forms of conventional injury. Lancepesade Gor's skin cannot be scratched, scarred, penetrated for burned. Muscle tissue and ligaments will not tear or strain. Bones will not break. However, Lancepesade Gor's invulnerability, as well as the rest of the Kryptonian powers, diminish while in the presence of green Kryptonite. Kryptonite produces radiation which effectively burns out the absorbed solar power from a Kryptonian's cells. A Kryptonian will find him or herself drastically weakened while in its presence. Prolonged exposure to Kryptonite is fatal. Once the presence of Kryptonite is removed, their natural abilities will return to them.
  • Self-sustenance: Lancepesade Gor's physiology does not process oxygen the same way that a human does. An application of invulnerability, Lancepesade Gor cannot starve or drown, and can also survive in the vacuum of space. Lancepesade Gor is also immune to most forms of poison and toxins.
  • Super-hearing: Lancepesade Gor's hearing is sensitive enough to perceive nearly any sound at any volume or pitch. With skill and concentration, one can block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific localized source or frequency.
  • Super-breath: Lancepesade Gor can expel volumes of breath with great force over a sustained period of time. This is an effective long-range attack strategy as the breath can exert enough force comparable to that of a gale-force wind. Super-breath enables Lancepesade Gor to blow people back several yards, overturn vehicles, and generate excessive damage to property and other sedentary objects.
  • Super-speed: Lancepesade Gor is able to move at incredible speed by sheer force of will. This trait extends to Lancepesade Gor's perceptions and allows for other feats such as catching bullets in mid flight, as well as covering vast distances in little or no time. Super-speed is also an application of the ability to fly.
  • Superhuman stamina: Lancepesade Gor does not suffer from fatigue and can function physically for extended periods of time without tiring. As an application of this, it is likely that Lancepesade Gor does not require the same amount of REM sleep that a normal human would in order to function at full capacity.
  • Superhuman strength: Lancepesade Gor's strength is augmented by yellow solar radiation being absorbed into the body. Lancepesade Gor can conduct fantastic feats of strength such as lifting large objects such as satellites or ocean liners, and combating opponents of equal strength value. Lancepesade Gor's strength level will diminish to that of a standard human level while in the presence of green Kryptonite.


DC Universe[]


See also[]


The World of Superman

Superman miscellaneous


  1. Action Comics 871
  2. Superman 682
  3. Superman 683
  4. Action Comics 873
  5. Superman: World of New Krypton 2
  6. Superman: World of New Krypton 3
  7. Superman: World of New Krypton 3