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Ash vs Evil Dead 2x08 009
Lacey Emery
Continuity: Evil Dead
Series: Ash vs Evil Dead
Notability: Recurring character
Type: Student
Gender: Female
Race: Deadite
Location: Elk Grove, Michigan
Relatives: Thomas Emery
Linda Emery
Status: Deceased
Died: 2016
First: "Last Call"
Final: "Ashy Slashy"
Actor: Pepi Sonuga

Lacey Emery is a fictional teenager and a recurring character featured in the Evil Dead multimedia franchise. She is associated with the Ash vs Evil Dead television series and first appeared in the third episode of season two titled, "Last Call".


Lacey Emery was a young half-black/half-white woman who lived in Elk Grove, Michigan. She was the daughter of Sheriff Thomas Emery and Linda Emery. She attended classes at Kenward High School and was friends with Blake, Marcus, and Tyler.

Lacey got pulled into the craziness of Ash Williams ongoing battle against the forces of the Evil Dead and was holed up at her father's police station while the Dark One known as Ba'al ran amok.

Lacey ended up journeying to the Kenward County Asylum, which Ba'al was using as a staging ground in an effort to brainwash Ash. Lacey was possessed by a Deadite spirit and murdered her father, Thomas Emery, by breaking his neck, then pulling his head off. Ash's colleague, Kelly Maxwell ended Lacey by blasting her in the head with a shotgun. [1]

Notes & Trivia[]

The character of Lacey Emery was created by director Tony Tilse and writer Noelle Valdivia based on concepts developed by Sam Raimi, Ivan Raimi, and Tom Spezialy.

  • Final fate: Possessed by a Deadite and had her head blow off by Kelly Maxwell.

Body Count[]

See also[]

External Links[]

  • None


