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Kid Commandos
Aliases: Bucky's Kid Commandos
Continuity: Marvel Universe
Type: Superhero team
Status: Inactive
Founding members: James Buchanan Barnes; Gwenny Lou Sabuki; Davy Mitchell; Thomas Raymond; Fred Davis, Jr.
Allies: Invaders
Young Allies
Enemies: Nazis
1st appearance: The Invaders #28

The Kid Commandos are a fictional superhero team featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. They were active during the 1940s, but are not part of the original Golden Age era of publication. They first appeared in The Invaders #28 in May, 1978.


The Kid Commandos were a team of teenage costumed adventurers who aided the Allies during World War II.

During World War II, teenaged Gwenny Lou Sabuki, the daughter of Japanese American scientist Dr. Sam Sabuki, was present at a stateside battle in which sidekicks Bucky (Bucky Barnes) and Toro (Thomas Raymond) of the superhero team the Invaders fought the supervillain Agent Axis. There one of Dr. Sabuki's inventions accidentally gave Gwenny Lou and her friend David "Davy" Mitchell superhuman powers. Gwenny Lou became Golden Girl, and Davey became the Human Top. The four youthful heroes defeated Agent Axis, and later formed the Kid Commandos, who were allied with the adult Invaders. The Kid Commandos fought Nazi espionage at home in America.

The Kid Commandos even fought the Invaders, when they disagreed with the military's use of a Tsunami Bomb, which would have caused too much collateral damage. The bomb was never used, when the Invaders saw the testing sight was populated with civilians.

After the war, Golden Girl and Human Top were part of the V-Battalion.



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