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Keyface demon
Keyface demon
Aliases: KeyFace
KeyFace demon
Key demon
Continuity: Insidious film series
Notability: Antagonist
Type: Demon
Gender: Male
Location: The Further
Status: Immortal
First: Insidious: The Last Key
Actor: Javier Botet

The Keyface demon is a fictional demon and a central antagonist featured in the Insidious film series. He appeared in the 2018 feature film Insidious: The Last Key, which is the fourth and final installment in the series. He was played by actor Javier Botet in the film.


As with most denizens of The Further, the purpose and drive of the Keyface demon is somewhat nebulous. A gaunt individual with stricken features, and long stringy hair, the Keyface demon is characterized by having metal keys for finger tips. He can insert the keys into the bodies of human victims, locking them in place inside The Further, where they become lost souls. The demon also seeks to corrupt human souls, turning them into human puppets so as to perpetuate acts of evil. This appears to be the case with Gerald Rainier, who became a serial killer in the 1950s, as well as Ted Garza, who imitated Rainier's actions decades later. The Key demon appears to have a weakness to light. It can be banished to the darker reaches of The Further by way of a special lantern. The ghost of Audrey Rainier was able to dispel the demon after it attacked her family.



Victims by Proxy[]

  • Anna W. (Killed by Gerald Rainier)
  • Gerald's victim No. 2
  • Gerald's victim No. 3
  • Gerald's victim No. 4

Survivors by Proxy[]

Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]

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External Links[]

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