Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Kenward High School
Continuity: Ash vs Evil Dead
Category: Learning center
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State: Michigan
County: Kenward County
City: Elk Grove
Residents: Brandy Barr; Lacey Emery; Rachel Manning
1st appearance: "Last Call"

Kenward High School is a fictional location featured in the Evil Dead multimedia franchise. It is associated with the Ash vs Evil Dead television series and first appeared in the third episode of season two titled, "Last Call".


Kenward High School was a public school located in the city of Elk Grove in Kenward County, Michigan. Lacey Emery and her friends Blake, Marcus, and Tyler, hung out on the bleachers in the stadium outside one evening in 2016. [1]

Three other students who attended school at Kenward High include Brandy Barr, her best friend Rachel Manning, and a team mascot named Cougie. One day, Brandy and Rachel were serving detention for defacing school lockers when Cougie approached them in a threatening manner. Unaware that he was possessed by an evil spirit that turned him into a Deadite, the girls scoffed at him and told him to go away. When he refused to do so, they continued to insult him. Cougie approached them whereupon blood began pouring in massive quantities out of the open areas of the mask, leaving an ever-growing puddle upon the floor. The girls screamed and tried to flee. Cougie attacked them, but fortunately, veteran monster hunter Kelly Maxwell appeared on the scene and blasted Cougie's head off with a high-powered assault rifle. Rachel and Brandy fled and sought to hide inside one of the school's music rooms.

Ash Williams, Pablo Simon Bolivar and Brandy's mother, Candace Barr, showed up at the school, as Ash knew that there might be Deadite shenanigans at play. Rachel became possessed by a Deadite. She began using musical instruments as weapons against Ash, some of which began animating by themselves. Rachel threw a cymbal, which beheaded Candace Barr right before her daughter's eyes.

After destroying a floating trumpet, Ash grabbed a harp and pounced on Rachel with it, pressing the strings of the instrument against her face. He then jumped onto the harp, driving the strings through her flesh, splitting her head into thin vertical pieces. [2]


  • To be added


See also[]


