Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Kawatche Caves
Kawatche Caves
Continuity: Smallville
Aliases: Kawatche caves
Category: Landmark
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State: Kansas
Town: Smallville

The Kawatche Caves was a series of caves so-named because of their historic association with the Kawatche First Nation tribe. More than 500-years-ago, a space traveler from the planet Krypton came to Earth and encountered the Kawatche. This "strange visitor from another planet" made a strong impression on the tribe and his presence helped shape their cultural identity. In the modern era, the walls of the cave are adorned with various markings and glyphs. They even contain a device that can open a spatial portal through the use of Kryptonian crystal keys.


  1. Smallville: Upgrade