Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Includes a list of characters, actors and production crew members whose first names are Kate.


Kate - Blackgas

Kate was the wife of Alan and the father of Tyler. She lived in the town of Footstep on Smoky Island. In 2006, a long-dormant volcano dubbed "The Bulge" erupted, projecting pressurized black gas from underground into the air. The winds blew the black gas across Footstep, and those exposed to it turned into murderous, cannibalistic lunatics. Kate was one of many of the townsfolk affected and gave in to her pent up rage by savagely beheading and castrating her husband. She took his severed genitals and stuffed them into his mouth. Tyler and his girlfriend Soo Park came home to find the maniacal Kate grinning sadistically while holding a bloody hacksaw over Alan's severed head. While Tyler stood in shock, Soo sprang into action. She pulled down a curtain and lit on fire from a burner on the kitchen stove. She threw it over top of Kate, who then burned to death. (Blackgas 1) (Blackgas 2)

The Blob[]

Nurse Kate

Kate was a dark-haired woman who lived in Downingtown, Pennsylvania where she worked as a nurse. She worked out of the office home of general practitioner T. Hallen. In July, 1958 two individuals named Steve Andrews and Jane Martin came to Doctor Hallen's home with the ailing body of an old man who had been exposed to a dangerous alien blob. Hallen and Kate were at a loss to explain what had happened to him. The blob consumed the old man, upon which it grew to several times its original size. Upon Doctor Hallen's instruction, Kate tried stopping the creature by throwing acid upon it, but this proved ineffective. Doctor Hallen tried shooting it with a shotgun, but this too was useless. The monster absorbed Kate, killing her, then killed Doctor Hallen moments later. (Blob, The)
