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Kamen Rider Zero-One
Kamen Rider - Zero-One 1
Title: Kamen Rider Zero-One
Publisher: Titan Comics
Imprint: StoneBot Comics
Type: Limited series
Years published: 2022-2023
Total issues: 4
Featuring: Aruto Hiden; Isamu Fuwa; Yua Yaiba; Is; Ragnarok; Horobi; Jin
Creators: Brandon Easton; Hendry Prasetya; Bryan Valenza; Jame; AndWorld Design; Matias Mir; Calum Collins; Chris Ortega; Phoebe Hedges; Matias Timarchi; Jack Devine
Previous: Kamen Rider Kuuga

Kamen Rider Zero-One is a British comic book limited series of the science fiction and super-hero fantasy genres. It is based on the live-action tokusatsu television series Kamen Rider Zero-One. It was co-published by Titan Books and produced by StoneBot Comics and ran for four issues from December, 2022 to May, 2023. The series was written by Brandon Easton with artwork by Hendry Prasetya. It was colored by Bryan Valenza and lettered by Jame of AndWorld Design. The series was edited by Callum Collins, Chris Ortega and Phoebe Hedges with Matias Mir as assistant editor and Matias Timarchi and Jack Devine as group editors.

Arturo Hiden is Kamen Rider Zero-One! Along with his trusty humagear companion Izu, he’s saved the world numerous times as the insectile superhero! But when his company Hiden Intelligence is attacked by the mysterious Ragnarok, Arturo must face not only the volcanic cluster cell-powered villain, but also his own past...


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  • TBA

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