- "Could you hold on to this truck for me for a minute? And be careful. It's a rental."
- ―Wildcat
"Supertown (Part 1)" | |
Justice Society of America | |
Title: | "Supertown (Part 1)" |
Volume: | 3 |
Number: | 44 |
Cover price: | $2.99 |
Cover date: | December, 2010 |
Publisher: | DC Comics |
Credits | |
Ex. Ed: | Dan DiDio |
Writers: | Marc Guggenheim |
Pencilers: | Scott Kolins |
Inkers: | Scott Kolins |
Cover artists: | Shane Davis |
Cover inker: | Sandra Hope |
Cover colorist: | Barbara Ciardo |
Colorists: | Mike Atiyeh |
Letterers: | Rob Leigh |
Assistants: | Rachel Gluckstern |
Editors: | Mike Carlin |
Navigation | |
Previous: | Justice Society of America #43 |
Next: | Justice Society of America #45 |
"Supertown (Part 1)" is the title to the forty-fourth issue of the third volume of the Justice Society of America comic book series published by DC Comics. The story was written by Marc Guggenheim with artwork and inks by Scott Kolins. It was colored by Mike Atiyeh with lettering by Rob Leigh. The cover art illustration was rendered by Shane Davis and Sandra Hope, and colored by Barbara Ciardo. The story was edited by Mike Carlin with Rachel Gluckstern as assistant editor. This issue shipped with a December, 2010 cover date and carries a cover price of $2.99 per copy (US).
Featured characters
Supporting characters
- Scythe
Minor characters
- Oracle, Barbara Gordon (Behind the scenes only)
- Caroline Voytek
- Dennis Hogan
- Senator Eagin
- Jacksonville
- St. Francis Hospital
- C.I.A. "black" prison
- Aerokinesis
- Electrokinesis
- Flight
- Super-speed
- Sorcery
- Superhuman durability
- Superhuman strength
- Teleportation
Notes & Trivia[]
- The Justice Society of America was created by writer Gardner Fox and editor Sheldon Mayer. They debuted as a team in the pages of All-Star Comics #3 in December of 1940. They have maintained a presence in nearly every major continuity paradigm throughout DC's publishing history including the Golden Age era (retroactively attributed to the Earth-Two reality), the Silver Age era, the Post-Crisis continuity, which ran from 1986 to 2011 and the "New 52" company-wide continuity reboot.
- This issue was published in the same month as JSA All-Stars #11 and the Justice Society of Americda 80-Page Giant one-shot special.
- The tagline for this issue is "The Society of Tomorrow -- Today!"
- This is the first appearance of Monument Point. This location also makes appearances in the DC Television Universe. It was the site of a massive nuclear attack in the "Monument Point" episode of Arrow in 2016.
- Poor Jay Garrick. First day on the job as Mayor and the whole town blows up.
- Jay Garrick refers to the JLA/JSA communicator as a "Trouble Alert". A Troubalert was an alarm system used at the Hall of Justice on the Super Friends animated series of programs.
- Reference is made to Bruce Wayne and Oracle in this issue.
- This is the first appearance of Scythe, who is the primary antagonist of this story.