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"Who Is Maxwell Lord?"
Justice League International 12
Justice League International
Title: "Who Is Maxwell Lord?"
Volume: 1
Number: 12
Cover price: .75
Cover date: April, 1988
Publisher: DC Comics
Ex. Ed: Dick Giordano
Writers: Keith Giffen; J.M. DeMatteis
Pencilers: Kevin Maguire
Inkers: Al Gordon
Cover artists: Kevin Maguire
Cover inker: Al Gordon
Colorists: Gene D'Angelo
Letterers: Bob Lappan
Editors: Andrew Helfer
Previous: Justice League International #11
Next: Justice League International #13

"Who Is Maxwell Lord?" is the title to the twelfth issue of the Justice League International ongoing comic book series published by DC Comics. The story was written by J.M. DeMatteis, and plotted by Keith Giffen. It was penciled by Kevin Maguire with inks by Al Gordon. Coloring was provided by Gene D'Angelo with lettering by Bob Lappan. It was edited by Andrew Helfer. This issue shipped with an April, 1988 cover date and carries a cover price of .75 per copy.

"Who Is Maxwell Lord?"[]

Metron accosts the JLI blaming them for the loss of his information retrieval unit. Captain Atom begins smarting off to Metron, little realizing that Metron is in fact a God. Mister Miracle holds Atom back and apologizes to the New God. Metron makes psychic contact with the retrieval unit and discovers that it has developed sentience.

Meanwhile at the Dome, Green Flame and Ice Maiden decide to quit the Global Guardians in the hopes of furthering their careers as members of the Justice League. They fly to Rio de Janeiro and consult with Ernesto Lopez, the bureau chief of the Justice League embassy.

Back at Maxwell Lord's place, Max is disturbed to find the body of his personal assistant, Ms. Wootenhoffer lying dead before him. The computer intelligence that once belonged to Metron (Kilg%re), informs Lord that Wootenhoffer was a Manhunter, and had to be destroyed. Max stares at the computer monitoring station, as the A.I. converses both on the screen and in Max's mind.

Max reflects upon the dark choices he has made in his career. He remembers plotting the death of his company's former President, and how those very circumstances first brought him into contact with the Kilg%re. With no idea of the device's Fourth World origins, Max interfaced with the machine and used its abilities to acquire financial power. From there, he insinuated his way into the Justice League, and manipulated events to gain the team an international charter.

Now however, Max feels sickened by everything he has done. Picking up an iron bar, he smashes the control console of the retrieval unit, ending its existence, and by extension, its hold over him. Exhausted and injured, Max falls over unconscious. He awakens the next day in a hospital bed. Mister Miracle and Oberon visit, confident that Max is going to be okay.


Featured characters

Supporting characters


Minor characters





Notes & Trivia[]

  • The tagline for this issue is "Maxwell Lord - Man or Machine?"
  • The Justice League chronologically appear next in a flashback revealed in Justice League America Annual #9.
  • Maxwell Lord's origin is revealed in this issue. Max appears in several flashbacks, the earliest of which precedes his first appearance in Justice League #1. Other flashbacks take place between Justice League #2 and #3.
  • This is the first appearance of Tora Olafsdotter, aka Icemaiden II. She will make recurring appearances throughout the remainder of the series.
  • This is the first appearance of Ernesto Lopez, who is the Justice League Embassy bureau chief in Rio de Janeiro.
  • Doctor Light (Kimiyo Hoshi) and John Charles Collins appears in a flashback to events from Justice League #1.
  • Rumaan Harjavti appears in a flashback to events from Justice League #2.
  • This issue also contains flashbacks to events that transpired in Justice League #4 and Justice League International #7.


  • At the end of this issue, Mister Miracle talks about a behind-the-scenes event involving the Martian Manhunter. According to him, J'onn scanned Max's mind and "...looked into Max's heart". This raises a question with regards to current continuity. According to information revealed during the OMAC Project event, Maxwell Lord is unrepentantand evil, and has been plotting against the super-hero community for years. Recognizing the Martian Manhunter's psychic prowess and intuitive nature, it would have been nearly impossible for Lord to disguise his true motives from him for so many years.

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]

External Links[]
