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Joseph Blackfire
Aliases: Deacon Blackfire
Shaman Blackfire
Continuity: DC Universe
Notability: Antagonist
Type: Clergy
Occupation: Cult leader
Gender: Male
Race: Zombie
Location: Blackfire Shelter for the Homeless, Gotham City
Associations: Black Lantern Corps
Status: Deceased
First: Batman: The Cult #1

Joseph Blackfire is a fictional cult leader and a minor recurring antagonist featured in comic books published by DC Comics. He was the main antagonist of the 1988 four-issue limited series Batman: The Cult.


Joseph Blackfire had discovered that bathing in human blood could prolong his lifespan. Over a century old, he became a cult leader living beneath the sewers of Gotham City, growing his followers from the various homeless derelicts of the city. Blackfire's vehicle for targeting new recruits was through the Blackfire Shelter for the Homeless.

Joseph Blackfire managed to capture Batman and had him bound in chains beneath the city. He deprived him of food and water, and waited until he was to the point of exhaustion, before administering mind-altering drugs that even Batman's girded will could not resist. His defenses broken, Batman was brainwashed, and temporarily became a member of Blackfire's cult, until his partner, Jason Todd, was able to rescue him and snap him back to reality.




Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]

Batman Media

The World of Batman

Batman miscellaneous


  • Batman: The Cult 1
  • Batman: The Cult 2
  • Batman: The Cult 3
  • Batman: The Cult 4
  • Blackest Night: Batman 1
  • Blackest Night: Batman 2
  • Blackest Night: Batman 3

