Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Jonathan Drew
Continuity: Marvel Universe
Notability: Recurring character
Type: Scientist
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: United Kingdom
Relatives: Miriam Drew
Jessica Drew
Michael Marchand
Gerry Drew
Rebecca Marchand
Status: Deceased
First: Spider-Woman #1

Jonathan Drew is a fictional character featured in comic books titles published by Marvel Comics. He is part of the mainstream Marvel Universe and is associated with the Spider-Woman line of titles. He first appeared in Spider-Woman #1 in January, 1978.


Jonathan Drew was a scientist and the husband of Miriam Drew. He was colleagues with Doctor Herbert Wyndham and Doctor Miles Warren. Jonathan was the father of Jessica Drew, who later became known as Spider-Woman.

Notes & Trivia[]

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See also[]

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External Links[]

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