Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Includes a list of characters, actors and production crew members whose first names are Jimmy.


Jimmy visists Laurie

Jimmy was an ambulance driver and EMT. His little brother, Ziggy, went to school with Laurie Strode. Jimmy watched over Laurie when she was taken to the hospital, following an attack by her psychotic older brother, Michael Myers.

Later, he discovered Virginia Alves' corpse drained of its' blood and slipped in it, hitting his head on the floor. He then discovered Laurie hiding inside of a car and helped her escape from Michael' second attack after he tracked her down to the hospital.


Marvel Universe[]


Jimmy - Blade 6

Jimmy was an African American man who worked as a chauffeur for the Flanders family. When Lori Ann Flanders met Blade based upon the recommendation of her white friend Rosa Belinski, she was startled to discover that Blade was black. Realizing how she was coming off, Lori tried to compensate for her veiled racism by pointing out Jimmy and noting that her family has always employed black people. She made herself look even worse by pointing out how "Rock-solid reliable" Jimmy was. (Blade Vol 5 6)

The Walking Dead[]

Walking Dead 2x05 005

Jimmy is a supporting character featured on the AMC survival horror series The Walking Dead. Played by actor James Allen McCune, he was introduced in the season two episode, "Bloodletting" and made ten appearances in the series in total. Jimmy was a ranch hand who worked for Hershel Greene on his farm in Georgia. He was romantically tied to Hershel's daughter, Beth. Jimmy heroically sacrificed himself to save Rick Grimes and his son Carl when zombie walkers overtook the barn on the estate.
