Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Jim Rice
Aliases: James Rice
Continuity: DC Universe
Notability: Minor character
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Relatives: Shirley Rice
Jeremy Rice
Todd Rice
Status: Status unknown
First: Infinity, Inc. #12

Jim Rice is a fictional character featured in comic books published by DC Comics. He first appeared in Infinity, Inc. #12 in March, 1985.


Jim Rice was the husband of Shirley Rice and the biological father of Jeremy Rice. He was also the adoptive father of Todd Rice, whose actual birth parents were Alan Scott and Rose Canton.

Jim Rice was an abusive alcoholic who would often take out his frustrations physically upon his family. Shirley eventually mustered up the courage to leave him and Jim blamed Todd for her leaving. During one of his outbursts, he let is slip that Todd had a twin sister, who grew up in another foster home, whose name was Jennie-Lynn Hayden. [1]

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