Jeremiah was a science-fiction television series created by J. Michael Straczynski. It aired for three seasons on Showtime spanning a total of thirty-five episodes. The series debuted on March 3rd, 2002. The series takes place in the year 2021 and centers around the survivors of a plague that wiped out the entire adult population of the planet Earth. Fifteen years later, those survivors, now adults, are forced to forge a new life for themselves. Luke Perry plays the titular protagonist Jeremiah, a traveler who has spent the last several years journeying back and forth across the United States, eking out a living and looking for a place called "Valhalla Sector," which his father had mentioned to as a possible refuge shortly before disappearing into the chaos of "The Big Death." Along the way, he meets another traveler named Kurdy Malloy in the trading town of Clarefield, Colorado.