Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"He threw dogshit at me. Actual dogshit, Jen. At my actual face."
Andrew Fellows
"Try Not to Think About It, Andrew Fellows"
Jennifer Blood 14
Jennifer Blood
Title: "Try Not to Think About It, Andrew Fellows"
Volume: 1
Number: 14
Cover price: $3.99
Cover date: July, 2012
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Chief: Nick Barrucci
Ex. Ed: Joe Rybandt
Writers: Al Ewing
Pencilers: Kewber Baal
Inkers: Kewber Baal
Cover artists: Tim Bradstreet; Igor Vitorino
Cover inker: Tim Bradstreet; Igor Vitorino
Colorists: Inlight Studios
Letterers: Rob Steen
Editors: Joseph Rybandt
Previous: Jennifer Blood #13
Next: Jennifer Blood #15

"Try Not to Think About It, Andrew Fellows" is the fourteenth issue of the Jennifer Blood ongoing comic book series published by Dynamite Entertainment. It was written by Al Ewing with artwork & inks by Kewber Baal. It was colored by Inlight Studios and lettered by Rob Steen. The story was edited by Joseph Rybandt. This issue shipped in July, 2012 and carries a cover price of $3.99 per copy (US).

"Try Not to Think About It, Andrew Fellows"[]

Andrew Fellows is a struggling accountant with two kids that are starting to resent him, a marriage that's slowly drifting into the 'loveless' category and an ex-girlfriend who's increasingly on his mind. it's a recipe for a fairly standard suburban drama... except for one thing. Andrew Fellows is married to Jennifer Blood. This will not end well.

Featured characters

Supporting characters


Minor characters


Races & Animals


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Notes & Trivia[]

Recommended Reading[]

Jennifer Blood

Dynamite Entertainment

See also[]

External Links[]
