Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"You've carved a nice hole for yourself in all the filth and the piss and the shit. Congratulations, they'll probably give you a fuckin' medal."
Elaine Pruitt
"We Do What We Must Because We Can"
Jennifer Blood 13
Jennifer Blood
Title: "We Do What We Must Because We Can"
Volume: 1
Number: 13
Cover price: $3.99
Cover date: March, 2012
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Chief: Nick Barrucci
Ex. Ed: Joe Rybandt
Writers: Al Ewing
Pencilers: Kewber Baal
Inkers: Kewber Baal
Cover artists: Tim Bradstreet
Cover inker: Tim Bradstreet
Colorists: Inlight Studios
Letterers: Rob Steen
Editors: Joe Rybandt
Previous: Jennifer Blood #12
Next: Jennifer Blood #14

"We Do What We Must Because We Can" is the thirteenth issue of the Jennifer Blood ongoing comic book series published by Dynamite Entertainment. It was written by Al Ewing with artwork & inks by Kewber Baal. It was colored by Inlight Studios and lettered by Rob Steen. The story was edited by Joseph Rybandt. This issue shipped in March, 2012 and carries a cover price of $3.99 per copy (US).

"We Do What We Must..."[]

After the apocalyptic events of last issue - and the even more apocalyptic events to come - we take a quick break from Jen's story to focus on Detective Pruitt. Who is she? How did she come to be? And should Jen be worried? A guest appearance from superstar deity God makes this the most collectable issue yet!

Featured characters

Supporting characters


  • Larry
  • Tyrone Smalls

Minor characters

  • Ferg Ferguson
  • Henry Harrison
  • Kenny Lowell
  • Neil Fergusson


  • To be added

Races & Animals


  • To be added


  • Computer
  • Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game
  • Lighter



  • To be added


Notes & Trivia[]

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]

External Links[]
