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White Heron 03
Japan Air Self-Defense Force
Aliases: JASDF
Continuity: Real world
Type: Military personnel
Status: Active

The Japan Air Self-Defense Force (航空自衛隊), also known as the JASDF, is an actual military organization and a branch of the Japan Self-Defense Force. It is tasked with defending Japan's airspace and conducting other aerospace functions such as air patrols, radar networking systems, and providing air transport to other JSDF branches.


The JASDF play a major role in science fiction films of the daikaiju ("giant monster") subgenre, going all the way back to the granddaddy monster movie of them all, Gojira, back in 1954; or as Westerners have come to call it, Godzilla, King of the Monsters. Through the various branches of the JSDF, the Japanese military apparatus have had to defend Japan's shores from monster attacks time after time after time, often with mixed results.

The Japan Air Self-Defense Force has served as an auxiliary support branch of the adjunct organization known as the Anti-Megalosaurus Force (AMF), which later evolved into the Japanese Xenomorph Self-Defense Force (JXSDF). The JASDF provided aerial and transport support to Japan's Mecha-G Project, which involved the development of a bio-robotic daikaiju countermeasure dubbed MechaGodzilla. Three fighter jets, White Heron 01, White Heron 02, and White Heron 03, transported MechaGodzilla (or Kiryu as it has also been called) from the control station to battle sites. The robot was controlled remotely from the pilot's planes.


Notes & Trivia[]

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See also[]


The World of Godzilla

Godzilla miscellaneous

External Links[]



