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Janis - Preacher
Continuity: Preacher
Notability: Minor character
Type: Murder victim
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Associations: Xavier
Status: Deceased
Born: August-September [1][2]
Died: 1997
First: Preacher #30
Final: Preacher #33

Janis is a fictional woman and a minor recurring character featured in the Preacher ongoing comic book series published by DC Comics under their Vertigo imprint. She first appeared in a story called "Good Times Rolling" featured in Preacher #30 from October, 1997.


Janis was a young woman with braided hair who lived in New Orleans, Louisiana. She was dating a man named Xavier and was best friends with a woman named Dee. Through Dee and Xavier's connection with a vampire named Proinsias Cassidy, Janis learned about Jesse Custer - a Texas preacher gifted with remarkable divine abilities. Cassidy had cajoled Xavier into using knowledge of voodoo to conduct a ritual on Jesse's behalf. This ritual brought the group into conflict with Les Enfants du Sang - a gang of wannabe vampires. A firefight erupted between the opposing factions and Janis was gunned down.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • To be added.

See also[]

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External Links[]

  • To be added.


  • To be added.


  1. Preacher 32. Janis says she is a Virgo. The astrological sign of the Zodiac applies to those born between August 23rd and September 22nd.
  2. Wikipedia:Virgo (astrology); Encyclopedia Britannica. n.d. Retrieved September 20, 2018.