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Janice Hatch
Janice Hatch
Continuity: Howling film series
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Clergy
Occupation: Nun
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Location: California
Associations: Catholic Church
Status: Deceased
Born: 1955 [1]
Died: 1988
First: Howling IV: The Original Nightmare
Actor: Susanne Severeid

Janice Hatch is a fictional nun and a supporting character featured in The Howling film series. Played by actress Susanne Severeid, she appeared in the 1988 sequel film Howling IV: The Original Nightmare.


Janice Hatch was a former nun and a friend of Sister Ruth Brooks. When Sister Ruth suffered a nervous breakdown following a visit to the town of Drago, Janice quit the convent and went to Drago to find out what happened to her.

She befriended a writer named Marie Adams who had been taking some time recuperating from her own mental disorder. Janice and Marie learned the lore of Drago and also that it was a haven for a cult of Satanic werewolves. Janice and Marie baited the werewolves into the Bell Tower of Drago and trapped them before setting the building on fire. Janice perished in the flames along with dozens of werewolves.

Notes & Trivia[]

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  1. Year of birth approximated based upon the age of actress Susanne Severeid.