Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"Okay, I'll accept that I'm the "reincarnated" soul of his long lost princess -- that we've been... lovers lifetime after lifetime... but that ends now. I'm not his Hawkgirl -- and if I'm staying on this team, Carter has to understand that."
Kendra Saunders
JSA 27
Title: "Thunderstruck"
Volume: 1
Number: 27
Cover price: $2.50
Cover date: October, 2001
Publisher: DC Comics
Ex. Ed: Mike Carlin
Writers: Geoff Johns
Pencilers: Rags Morales
Inkers: Michael Bair
Cover artists: Rags Morales
Cover inker: Rags Morales
Colorists: John Kalisz; Heroic Age
Letterers: Ken Lopez
Assistants: Morgan Dontanville
Editors: Peter Tomasi
Previous: JSA #26
Next: JSA #28

"Thunderstruck" is the title to the 27th issue of JSA, Volume 1. The story was written by Geoff Johns with artwork by Rags Morales and inks by Michael Bair. Morales also rendered the cover art composition to this issue. The story was colored by John Kalisz with Heroic Age on color separations. It was lettered by Ken Lopez and edited by Peter Tomasi with Morgan Dontanville as assistant editor. This issue shipped with an October, 2001 cover date and carries a cover price of $2.50 per copy (US).


Hawkman, having just witnessed Hawkgirl and Sand kissing, flies off disappointed that Hawkgirl was choosing another man. Sand suddenly pushes Hawkgirl off and asks why she kissed him. She pleas she wanted anyone but Hawkman. She doesn't want to feel forced into a relationship with someone.

Captain Marvel orders Black Adam and Atom to stop their bickering. However, Al punches Adam through the ceiling when his guard is dropped. The JSA rush to the scene and engage in the scuffle. Sand is unable to regain control of the group when Hawkman steps in for him and regains order.

Sand confronts Hawkman about leadership duties. The JSA agree to put it to a vote. Mister Terrific is shocked upon learning he is voted as the new chairman. Suddenly, a sphere enters the room and sucks them inside. It flies away to Roulette.

When Star-Spangled Kid and Wildcat return to the room, they are befuddled to find their friends all missing suddenly.


Featured characters

Supporting characters


Minor characters






Notes & Trivia[]

  • The tagline for this issue is "Thunder and Lightning!"
  • This issue is reprinted in the JSA: Fair Play trade paperback, and JSA Omnibus, Volume 2.
  • This issue shipped to retailers on August 15th, 2001.
  • Michael Holt becomes the new chairman of the JSA beginning with this issue.
  • This is the second appearance of Veronica Sinclair. She appeared last in JSA Secret Files & Origins #2. She appears next in JSA #28.

Recommended Reading[]

Golden Age titles

Modern Age titles

Related titles

See also[]

External Links[]
