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Iron Man
Iron Man - Big Iron
Title: Iron Man
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Type: Ongoing series
Years published: 2020-present
Total issues: 22+
Featuring: Iron Man (Tony Stark)
Creators: Christopher Cantwell; CAFU; Frank D'Armata; Joe Caramagna; Tom Brevoort; Alanna Smith; Martin Biro
Previous: Iron Man 2020, Vol. 2

Iron Man, Volume 6 is an American comic book ongoing series of the superhero fantasy genre. It is the sixth title identified as just Iron Man and was published by Marvel Comics, beginning in November, 2020. The first creative team on the series consisted of writer Christopher Cantwell, artist Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano (under the abbreviated CAFU), colorist Frank D'Armata, and letterer Joe Caramagna. The series featured the character of Tony Stark, aka, Iron Man.

Tony Stark is looking to restart his engine. He's going back to basics, putting away his high-tech toys and high-profile image so he can get his hands dirty again. It's time to put on some old-fashioned metal — and fly! But can Tony really lay down that Stark-sized ego? Life just isn't that simple, something old friends and frustrating foes are quick to point out. So Iron Man takes the fight back to the streets, facing down old-school villains like Arcade and the Absorbing Man. But what's really going on in Tony's head? As old friends like Hellcat try to help him find peace of mind, lurking on the horizon is a threat Tony — and the entire cosmos — hasn't seen in years.


  • Iron Man Vol 6 1
  • Iron Man Vol 6 2
  • Iron Man Vol 6 3
  • Iron Man Vol 6 4
  • Iron Man Vol 6 5
  • Iron Man Vol 6 6
  • Iron Man Vol 6 7
  • Iron Man Vol 6 8
  • Iron Man Vol 6 9
  • Iron Man Vol 6 10
  • Iron Man Vol 6 11
  • Iron Man Vol 6 12
  • Iron Man Vol 6 13
  • Iron Man Vol 6 14
  • Iron Man Vol 6 15
  • Iron Man Vol 6 16
  • Iron Man Vol 6 17
  • Iron Man Vol 6 18
  • Iron Man Vol 6 19
  • Iron Man Vol 6 20
  • Iron Man Vol 6 21 (Death of Vic Martinelli revealed)
  • Iron Man Vol 6 22

Annuals & Specials

  • TBA


Notes & Trivia

Related categories

Recommended Reading

See also


The World of Iron Man

Iron Man miscellaneous

External Links
