Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"A strong America's an armed America! An' that means Stark International's gotta start manufacturin' munitions again -- like it did before that pantywaist Stark became a simperin' liberal!"
Buck Richlen
"At the Mercy of My Foes Friends!"
Iron Man 118
Iron Man
Title: "At the Mercy of My Foes Friends!"
Volume: 1
Number: 118
Cover price: .35
Cover date: January, 1979
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Chief: Jim Shooter
Writers: Bob Layton; David Michelinie
Pencilers: John Byrne
Inkers: Bob Layton
Cover artists: Bob Layton
Cover inker: Bob Layton
Colorists: Glynis Oliver
Letterers: Irv Watanabe
Assistants: Jim Salicrup
Editors: Roger Stern
Previous: Iron Man #117
Next: Iron Man #119

"At the Mercy of My Foes Friends!" is the 118th issue of the first Iron Man ongoing comic book series published by Marvel Comics. It was scripted by David Michelinie and co-plotted by Michelinie and Bob Layton, who also did the finished art and cover art. It was penciled by John Byrne, colored by Glynis Oliver and lettered by Irv Watanabe. The story was edited by Roger Stern with Jim Salicrup as assistant editor. This issue shipped with a January, 1979 cover date and carries a cover price of .35 cents per copy.

"At the Mercy of My Foes Friends!"[]

After being knocked unconscious by rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, Tony Stark is thrown out of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier hangar bay and plummets toward certain doom. Bad enough S.H.I.E.L.D. has decided on a hostile takeover of Stark Industries, but the three agents have taken it way too far, deciding to kill Tony -- and anyone who gives them a problem, including Nick Fury!

Featured characters

Supporting characters


Minor characters


Races & Animals






Notes & Trivia[]

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]


The World of Iron Man

Iron Man miscellaneous

External Links[]
