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Bravo One-Five
International Security Assistance Force
Aliases: ISAF
Type: Military
Status: Defunct
Enemies: Terrorists; Taliban

The International Security Assitance Force (ISAF) is a military organization and a detachment of NATO. They were formed in December, 2001 by the United Nations Security council to assist and train members of the Afghan National Security Forces as part of the War on Terror between 2001 and 2014. The primary opposition of the ISAF were terrorist cells operating in Afghanistan like Al Queada, led by the Taliban insurgency.

In fiction[]

In the Avatar Press comic book series Stitched, members of Bravo One-Five were sent to Eastern Afghanistan to engage Taliban insurgents. While there, they encountered a strange horde of grotesque robed figures known as the Stitched.

Members of Blackhawk Idaho Six were sent in as an extraction unit, but their helicopter malfunctioned and they crashed over the highlands region. Only three members of the unit survived, Lieutenant Pruitt, Lieutenant Cooper, and Corporal Twiggs. They came upon a Taliban camp after it had been devastated by the Stitched, and eventually met up with the remaining members of Bravo One-Five. [1]


Name Source
Billy Stitched
Cooper Stitched
Dave Baz Stitched
Pruitt Stitched
Tony Barclay Stitched
Twiggs Stitched

Notes & Trivia[]

  • ISAF redirects to this page.

See also[]

External Links[]


