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"We are Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes, members in good standing of the Intergalactic Federation of Musicians, and we are - or were - Jabba's full-time resident entertainers."
Doikk Na'ts
Intergalactic Federation of Musicians
We Don't Do Weddings - The Band's Tale
Vital statistics
Name Intergalactic Federation of Musicians
Aliases IFM
Continuity Star Wars
Status Active
Leaders Unknown
Members Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes
Allies Unknown
Enemies Unknown
First appearance We Don't Do Weddings: The Band's Tale

The Intergalactic Federation of Musicians is a fictional organization featured in the Star Wars mythos. It was first referenced in the 1995 short story "We Don't Do Weddings: The Band's Tale", the first story featured in Star Wars: Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina. The jizz band Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes were members of the Intergalactic Federation of Musicians and were held in good standing. [1]

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