Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"When my father died -- the way he did -- I guess maybe my desire to prove something to him died, too. In some crazy way, I'm him now, as well as me -- and I've got to go away somewhere and sort that out before I'll be any good to anybody."
Henry King, Jr.
"Press Conference!"
Infinity, Inc.
Title: "Press Conference!"
Volume: 1
Number: 12
Cover price: $1.25
Cover date: March, 1985
Publisher: DC Comics
Ex. Ed: Dick Giordano
Writers: Roy Thomas; Dann Thomas
Pencilers: Don Newton; Tim Burgard
Inkers: Josef Rubinstein; Tony DeZuniga
Cover artists: Jerry Ordway
Cover inker: Jerry Ordway
Cover colorist: Anthony Tollin
Colorists: Adrienne Roy; Anthony Tollin
Letterers: David Cody Weiss
Associates: Janice Race
Editors: Roy Thomas
Group editor: Tom Condon
Previous: Infinity, Inc. #11
Next: Infinity, Inc. #13

"Press Conference!" is the title to the twelfth issue of the first Infinity, Inc. ongoing comic book series published by DC Comics. The story was written by Roy Thomas and plotted by Dann Thomas with artwork by Don Newton & Tim Burgard, and inks by Joe Rubinstein & Tony DeZuniga. It was colored by Adrienne Roy & Anthony Tollin and lettered by David Cody Weiss. This issue shipped with a March, 1985 cover date and carries a cover price of $1.25 per copy (US).


Featured characters

Supporting characters


Minor characters

  • Andrew Vinson
  • Captain Carrot (As an alarm clock decoration)
  • Fred Cantrell
  • Osoro
  • Yolanda Montez
  • Burt Kimball, Reporter
  • Casper Westbrook, Reporter
  • Gary Mann, Attorney
  • Josh Wilson, Reporter
  • Mayor Bradley
  • Phil Brody, City Council


Races & Animals






Notes & Trivia[]

  • This issue has not been approved by the Comics Code Authority.
  • This issue includes a house ad for Universe: Crisis on Infinite Earths, which is later re-titled as just Crisis on Infinite Earths.
  • This issue includes an advertisement for the Super Powers action figure collection by Kenner Productions.
  • This issue includes an advertisement for the Super Powers HEROES role playing game by Mayfair Games.
  • Don Newton is the artist on pages 1-3 of this issue only. The remainder of the book is drawn by Tim Burgard.
  • The members of Infinity, Inc. publicly reveal their secret identities at a press conference in this issue.

Recommended Reading[]

Golden Age titles

Modern Age titles

Related titles

See also[]

External Links[]
