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Gotham 2x11 003

Fish Mooney as Indian Hill

Indian Hill is a fictional scientific research center featured on the FOX Network television series Gotham. It first appeared during the "Rise of the Villains" storyline from season two in episode 2x03, "The Last Laugh". It played a more major role in the second half of the season, which was subtitled "Wrath of the Villains".

Indian Hill was a top-secret scientific research center located underground beneath Arkham Asylum in the Arkham District of Gotham City. It was secretly controlled by a society known as The Court, which financed Indian Hill's experiments through Wayne Enterprises. Indian Hill was first established when Thomas Wayne ran the company, under which it was based out of Pinewood Farms. Wayne shut Pinewood Farms down when he discovered that it was conducting immoral and illegal biological experimentation on human test subjects. Wayne's actions ultimately led to his assassination by The Court.

Although Pinewood Farms was shut down, the experiments continued at Indian Hill. Professor Hugo Strange was placed in charge of the Asylum patients and the experimental program. Along with his assistant Ethel Peabody, he devised a means by which to bring the dead back to life. These reanimated beings often had difficulty coming to terms with their new lives, and many could not maintain substantial memories of their previous existence. Another side-effect of Strange's experiments was that if often imbued its subjects with superhuman abilities. One such subject, the late Theo Galavan, was resurrected and given superhuman durability and reflexes. Another, Fish Mooney, who maintained her memories and personality, was gifted with tactile mind-control. Another man named Marv had the ability to accelerate the aging process in living tissue. Other subjects demonstrated animalistic characteristics ranging from reptilian limbs to scaly skin, to bat-like wings.

