Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Imperial Academy - Carida
Imperial Academy
Continuity: Star Wars
Aliases: Academy of Carida
Category: Learning center
Galaxy: Star Wars Galaxy
System: Carida System
Planet: Carida
1st appearance: Star Wars: Jedi Search

The Imperial Academy is the official training camp and military learning center for the First Galactic Empire. It was established some time after the conclusion of the Clone Wars and was used to train cadets as officers for the Imperial Army and Imperial Navy, as well as stormtroopers, pilots, specialists, technicians, etc. It was based on the planet Carida.

Around the year 13 BBY, a young Corellian named Han Solo joined the Imperial Academy. However, he did not share the Empire's beliefs, and did so only as a means to an end. Han's roguish nature and penchant for bucking the system got him into a small degree of trouble at the Academy.

Back when he was still a snot-nosed whelp on Tatooine, Luke Skywalker dreamed of one day joining the Imperial Academy. After reconnecting with his old friend Biggs Darklighter however, he learned the truth about the Imperial regime, and how Biggs defected from the Academy to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Luke decided from that moment on that he actually hated the Empire.

