Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Illia Setag
Continuity: Star Wars
Notability: Minor character
Type: Businessman
Gender: Male
Race: Unknown
Location: Cybot Galactica
Status: Status unknown

Illia Setag is a fictional businessman, or possibly a business-alien (let's not judge) featured in the Star Wars multimedia franchise. He was referenced only in an internet supplement at HoloNet News, Vol. 531.56. This is a now obsolete link and cannot be cross-checked.


Ilia Setag was a businessman of indeterminate species. He held the position of chairman of Cybot Galactica during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. He served during a time when Cybot Galactica was moving from the Universal Socket Interface to their own proprietary Advanced Appendage Bus.


  • Yeah, his name is a play on Bill Gates. His first name is "William" without the W or the M. His last name is Gates spelled backwards.