Includes a list of characters, actors and production crew members whose first names are Ian. |
Child's Play[]
Ian was an adult male and a resident of Highgate, Rhode Island. He was married to Barbara Pierce and had a daughter named Alice. Ian was disturbed when Barbara hired an attractive blonde-haired woman named Jill to work as a live-in nanny for their daughter for four-hundred dollars a week. Ian began to suspect that Jill and his wife were having an affair. When Barbara's mother died, Ian, Barb and Alice went to the Pierce residence to handle the estate, which included trying to coax Barb's invalid sister, Nica, into selling the old house. Alice found a Good Guy doll to play with and kept close to it every chance she had. Ian took this opportunity to plant a camera inside the doll so he could spy on his wife and Jill to see if his suspicions were true. What Ian could never have guessed was that the Good Guy doll was actually possessed by the spirit of a deranged serial killer named Charles Lee Ray. Animating the doll, Ray (or "Chucky" as he is more famously known), hacked away at Ian's face with an axe, severing his lower jaw. (Curse of Chucky)
DC Universe[]
Green Arrow[]
Ian was a British thug from Jersey, England and the partner of a man named Piper. While undertaking a mission to England, Green Arrow and Black Canary ran afoul of the two goons and, mistakenly believing them to be aliens, knocked them out. Oliver Queen frisked them and tied them up. (Green Arrow and Black Canary 7)
Other characters[]
- Ian Chesterton - Male companion to the First Doctor from Doctor Who.
- Ian Pascoe - Aka, "Jack the Ripper", from the Timecop television series.
- Ian Quinn - Corrupt businessman featured on episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D..
- Iane Thorne - A main character featured in The Cremators.
- Ian Halliburton - Actor from Part One of The Day of the Triffids.
- Ian Marter - Played Harry Sullivan on Doctor Who.
- Ian McKellen - Played Magneto in the X-Men film series.
- Ian McShane - Played Robert Bryson in Babylon 5: The River of Souls.
- Ian Wilson - Actor from Quatermass II, Quatermass and the Pit and The Day of the Triffids.
- Ian Ziering - Voice actor from Biker Mice from Mars.
Production Crew[]
- Ian Bryce - Producer on the Transformers film series.
- Ian Laughlin - Comic book colorist.