Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Babylon 5 1x01 004

A jump point seen on Babylon 5.

Hyperspace is a plot device sometimes used in science fiction. It is typically described as an alternative region of space co-existing with our own universe which may be entered using an energy field or other device. Travel in hyperspace is frequently depicted as faster-than-light travel in normal space.

Hyperspace is sometimes used to enable and explain faster than light (FTL) travel in science fiction stories where FTL is necessary for interstellar travel or intergalactic travel. Spacecraft able to use hyperspace for FTL travel are sometimes said to have a hyperdrive.

Detailed descriptions of the mechanisms of hyperspace travel are often provided in stories using the plot device, sometimes incorporating some actual physics such as relativity or string theory in order to create the illusion of a seemingly plausible explanation. Hyperspace travel is nevertheless a fictional technology.

There are several different phrases used in science fiction to describe hyperspace travel. In the Farscape television series, the crew of the living bio-ship Moya activate a starburst, which sends them through hyperspace. In the 1994-1998 television series Babylon 5, the characters on the show make use of "jump points", which serves as both starting point (outgoing) and destination (incoming) points between hyperspace travel.
