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Henry Wambach 002
Hunger manifestation
Classification: Miscellaneous
Associated franchises: DC Universe
Marvel Universe
Associated comics: Hellblazer Vol 1
X-Factor Vol 1
Character examples: Mnemoth

Hunger manifestation is one of the more peculiar of traits to erupt in the world of speculative fiction. In short, it represents and individual, situation or phenomena that promotes instances of extreme hunger. This goes beyond the traditional causes of hunger that one might experience, and involves hunger of an extreme, perhaps even supernatural level of severity.

Famine of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is the deific personification of hunger. The presence of Famine incites extreme hunger in everyone within its sphere of influence.

In DC Comics continuity, there is a malevolent hunger spirit known as Mnemoth, who generates wave of increasingly violent hunger in those who are affected by his presence. Those experiencing such hunger cannot be sated through conventional means of consuming food. In fact, the more they eat, the weaker and more emaciated they become, enabling Mnemoth to grow stronger in power. Ultimately these individuals die of starvation, despite having eaten quantities beyond that of what their bodies would normally be able to withstand.


Those who cause hunger manifestation[]

Character Source
Famine Marvel Universe
Mnemoth DC Universe

Those who have suffered from hunger manifestation[]

Character Source
Eddie DC Universe
Henry Wambach DC Universe



See also[]

