Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki

House of Tagge
House of Tagge
Continuity: Star Wars
Type: Family
Status: Active
Leaders: Sanya Tagge
Members: Orman Tagge; Cassio Tagge; Silas Tagge; Ulric Tagge; Domina Tagge
Allies: First Galactic Empire
Enemies: Alliance to Restore the Republic
1st appearance: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

The House of Tagge is a fictional family featured in the Star Wars multimedia franchise. They were first represented in the 1977 film Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope in the form of Cassio Tagge, who was an Imperial officer stationed aboard the Death Star. He was the one who questioned Grand Moff Tarkin about the Emperor's decision to dissolve the Imperial Senate. The Tagge family was expanded upon in greater detail in the original "Expanded Universe" beginning with the first Star Wars comic book series by Marvel Comics. The first member of the family outside of Cassio Tagge to make an appearance was Orman Tagge, his older brother, who first appeared in Star Wars #25 in July, 1979.


  • Sanya Tagge - Progenitor; matriarch.
  • Domina Tagge - Youngest of the Tagge siblings and the only daughter.
  • Orman Tagge - Oldest of the Tagge siblings; Active during the Rise of the Empire era.
  • Cassio Tagge - Imperial officer stationed on the Death Star.
  • Silas Tagge - Scientist. Second oldest of the Tagge siblings.
  • Ulric Tagge - Imperial officer.

Related pages[]

  • TaggeCo - Food distribution company owned by the Tagge family.
  • Tagge battlecruiser - Imperial cruiser deployed by Orman Tagge; destroyed by the Millennium Falcon.


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