Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Includes a running list of characters who are known only by their last name.

DC Universe[]


Hogan was a Fire Chief for the Metropolis Fire Department. He was skeptical of reporter Clark Kent who joined the department temporarily on assignment for the Daily Planet. Hogan was unaware that Clark Kent was also Superman. (Superman 129)

Marvel Universe[]

Hogan - MU

Hogan was a member of the New York City Police Department. He was present the day that a horde of Deviants led by Kro conducted a raid on New York City, which was the first open incursion of Deviant influence in a human population in centuries. Members of the Eternals arrived to combat them, which resulted in a truce between the Eternals and the Deviant commander, Kro. Hogan expressed a desire to fight back against the alien menace, but his commanding officer recommended restraint so they could assess the situation. (Eternals 6)

See also[]
