Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Terminator 1x01 007

Crest View High School from Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

High school refers to the location as well as the advancing period of one's education before entering college or the workforce. The duration of high school classes is four years, divided into grades 9-12 and generally runs from late summer into late spring of every year. The average age of a high school student is between 14-17. The denominations of high school grade levels are identified as freshman, sophomore, junior and senior. The highest managing authority of a high school is called the principal. When you are bad, you get sent to the principal's office. Some schools may offer the option of dropping out at age sixteen. When you graduate you receive a diploma and get to wear a robe and a square cap with a tassel.

High schools of note[]

Name Source
Beacon Hills High School Teen Wolf
Bradley High School DC Universe
Christopher L. Cushing High School Fright Night
Citrusville High School Marvel Universe
Coal Hill School Doctor Who
Crest View High School Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Ewen High School Carrie
Hemery High School Buffyverse
Lago High School Marvel Universe
Lakeview High School Friday the 13th
Larkspur High School Isis
Midtown High School Marvel Universe
Midtown School of Science and Technology Marvel Cinematic Universe
Morris High School DC Universe
Riverdale High School Archie
Springwood High School Nightmare on Elm Street
Sunnydale High School Buffyverse
Union Wells High School Heroes
Westfield High School American Horror Story






See also[]
