Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
He-Man 1x00 005
He-Man's harness
Type: Clothing
Continuity: Masters of the Universe
Aliases: He-Man's baldric
Availability: Unique item
Manufacturer: The Sorceress
Owners: He-Man
1st appearance: "The Cosmic Comet"

He-Man's harness is a fictional item featured in the Masters of the Universe multimedia franchise. It was first introduced as removable accessory on the He-Man action figure by Mattel in 1983. Its first appearance was in the He-Man mini-comic that was packaged with the action figure. In alternate media, it first appeared in "The Cosmic Comet" episode of the original He-Man and the Masters of the Universe cartoon series in 1983.


This item is a baldric worn by Prince Adam when he transforms into He-Man after invoking the power of Castle Grayskull. The harness itself is grey in color and is constructed from Coridite, which enhances He-Man's strength levels. [1] The centerpiece of the harness is emblazoned with a crimson cross. A pouch on the back of the harness allows He-Man the ability to slide the Power Sword into it when not in use.



Technically, all appearances made by Prince Adam in his He-Man guise is an appearance of the baldric.

See also[]

