"The Girl Who Split in Two!" is the title to the first story featured in the fourth issue of the first Hawkman ongoing comic book series. The story was written by Gardner Fox with artwork and inks by Murphy Anderson. It was lettered by Gaspar Saladino. The second story is called "The Machine That Magnetized Men!" and is by the same creative team. Both stories were edited by Julius Schwartz. This issue shipped with a November, 1964 cover date and carries a cover price of .12 cents per copy.
"The Girl Who Split In Two!" is divided into two chapters.
This issue includes a black and white PSA advertisement on page one called "Smoking is for Squares!"
This issue includes an advertisement for General Mills' Cheerios cereal featuring Rocky and Bullwinkle.
This is the first appearance of Zatanna Zatara. She is a sorceress who produces magical effects by speaking spells backwards. She is the daughter of the Golden Age adventure hero John Zatara. She appears next in The Atom #19.
Hawkgirl knocks over a "Good Rumor" ice cream cart. This is a re-spelling of an actual Ice Cream distribution company called Good Humor.