Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Harley David
Harley David
Continuity: Halloween remake series
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Murder victim
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Location: Haddonfield, Warren County, Illinois
Status: Deceased
Died: 2009
First: Halloween II (2009)
Actor: Angela Trimbur

Harley David is a fictional murder victim and a supporting character featured in the Halloween film franchise. She is part of the reboot continuity envisioned by director Rob Zombie and appeared in the 2009 remake of Halloween II. She was played by actress Angela Trimbur.


Harley David was a veritable "bad girl" with multiple tattoos, a tough-as-nails attitude and an aggressive sexuality. She worked at Uncle Meat's Java Hole along with her friends Laurie Strode and Mya Rockwell. For Halloween, Harley suggested that they should all attend the Phantom Jam costume party. Their plans were nearly cancelled when Laurie learned the disturbing truth about her family heritage: that she was in fact, the sister of famed serial murderer Michael Myers. In light of this, Harley reluctantly agreed that they should not go to the party, but Laurie insisted on keeping their plans, citing that she needed something to take her mind off this recent revelation.

Harley went to the party dressed as Doctor Frank-N-Furter from the monster musical The Rocky Horror Picture Show. As the evening wore on, she left the party with a young man dressed as a werewolf named "Wolfie". The two went out to Wolfie's van to have sex and Harley made several lewd suggestions to get Wolfie in the mood. Wolfie stepped outside to relieve himself, at which point, he was promptly murdered by Michael Myers. Myers then broke the windows of the van, reaching inside and strangling Harley to death.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The character of Harley David was created by writer and director Rob Zombie based on concepts originally developed by John Carpenter and Debra Hill.
  • Harley's name is a reference to the Harley-Davidson motorcycle manufacturing corporation.
  • Actress Angela Trimbur also played the role of Carla in Brotherhood of Blood.

See also[]

External Links[]

